The Biennial Conference is the landmark event of EURAXESS. It brings together its national representatives to strengthen the network’s cohesion, give visibility to its achievements and to further discuss how to improve the attractiveness of the research profession and careers.
This year’s edition will take place on 10 – 12 June 2024 at the Silesian Museum in Katowice, Poland, in hybrid format.
Each edition of the Biennial Conference develops around a specific theme chosen by the European Commission together with the host city. In 2024, this will be the celebration of the 20-years anniversary of EURAXESS, the launch of the revamped EURAXESS website and the launch of the ERA TALENT PLATFORM.
The Conference it’s organized in close collaboration with the Polish BHO (Bridge Head Organization)/represented by NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange) and the City of Katowice.