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Belgium Homepage

Welcome to EURAXESS Belgium

We provide information and assistance to mobile researchers through both this portal and our national EURAXESS Service Centres. The portal contains practical information about professional and everyday life, as well as information on job and funding opportunities. The service centres help researchers and their family to plan and organize their move to a foreign country, and assist with all matters related to mobility. All services provided by the EURAXESS Network are free of charge.


Belgium: 3 partners together for you

The Belgian portal for mobile researchers is the result of a fruitul collaboration between the Flemish Community, the French-speaking Community and the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office. It benefits from financial support from the European Commission.




About Belgium:

Belgium is a small country that has an interesting political structure: we have a Federal State, but also different Communities and Regions.


We have three communities that largely correspond to the language boundaries in Belgium: the Flemish (Dutch-speaking) community, the French-speaking Community and the German-speaking Community.


In addition to the Communities, we also have three Regions that enjoy economic autonomy: the Flemish Region, the Brussels Capital Region and the Walloon Region.

The Federal state, Communities and Regions are competent for different specific domains.. For example, visas and social security are a federal competence while funding for scientific research can be provided by Federal, Flemish and Walloon institutions. What matters most for researchers is that depending on the location of the hosting institution you will find yourself in a French, Dutch or German speaking part of the country! But don’t worry, many Belgians speak excellent English and the everyday language in most international research environments is English!

Read all about our political structure and the different competences on the website of the federal government:

Helpdesk for researchers

Belgian EURAXESS Service Centres

There’s no doubt about it: moving abroad involves a great deal of planning and preparation. But where do you start? The Euraxess Service Centres and Local Contact points will do their best to help you plan your relocation and organize different aspects of your new life. The primary task of the EURAXESS Service Centres and Local Contact Points is to provide up-to-date information and personalized assistance for researchers and their family on all mobility-related matters.

More about the Belgian EURAXESS Service Centres