Belgium: 3 partners
This Belgian portal for mobile researchers is the fruit of a collaboration between the Flemish Community, the French Community, the Brussels-Capital Region and the Belgian Federal Science Policy. It is financially supported by the European Commission.
We intend to provide customised assistance relating to incoming researchers professional and daily life in Belgium, including links and information about visa procedure, work permit, social security but also some practical information about housing, transport, culture,...
This portal is also the entry point to the Belgian network of Euraxess Services Centres and Local Contact points. Belgian Euraxess centres will offer tailored assistance to researchers planning to stay in a Belgian Research unit.
More information
For more information, don't hesitate to contact one of our Service Centres or Local ContactPoints.
Any comment and/or suggestion to ameliorate this website is welcome and may be sent to
Els Haesaert - Els.Haesaert@vlaanderen.be
FEDERAL - BELSPO (Belgian Science Policy Office)
Bernard Delhausse - Bernard.Delhausse@belspo.be
FRENCH-SPEAKING COMMUNITY - F.R.S.-FNRS (Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS)
Mireia Tomàs Giner – euraxess@frs-fnrs.be
Mission and Vision
The Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI Department) prepares, monitors and evaluates policy in the Economy, Science and Innovation policy area. Our main aim is to develop Flanders into one of the most advanced and prosperous regions in the world. Our driving forces are the promotion of:
- excellence in scientific research,
- an attractive and sustainable business climate,
- a creative, innovative and entrepreneurial society.
We are developing the EWI Department in the Flemish government’s knowledge centre on the economy, science and innovation.
The interplay between the economy, science and innovation holds out unique opportunities to develop a future-oriented long-term strategy. Working in a climate of openness and cooperation, we tailor our ideas to those of our partners in our own policy area and with the other policy areas. We formulate our policymaking proposals both proactively and at the request of the competent ministers.
We monitor the policy cycle by critically evaluating the effectiveness of policies that have been implemented and adjusting the approach on the basis of objective results. We communicate regularly about developments and future prospects with regard to our activities. We maintain close contacts with stakeholders, as this is an excellent means of enhancing our knowledge and expertise and ensures that we provide added value in terms of decision-making − not only at regional level, but also in federal and international policy bodies. Internationalisation and globalisation are having a growing impact on our work environment. We encourage Flemish participation in worldwide research and innovation and tailor economic policy to the international dimension of the Flemish economy. We also involve developing countries through science sharing.