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NEWS5 Apr 2019News

Master Class : HRS4R for Newcomers


University of Liège organises a Master Class : HRS4R for Newcomers, in Liège city centre, from June 12-14, 2019

This 3-day participative seminar is dedicated to managers and staff in charge of the development of the human resources management research strategy (HRS4R) within their institution. The following issues will be discussed and analysed with the support of experts : Everything you always wanted to know about HRS4R, How to identify gaps, How to involve researchers and stakeholders in the process,How to write the HRS4R action plan,How to implement and manage the process, About transparency and publication : how to disseminate progresses, About online submission and evaluation.

Registration is free, participants may ask a financial support for travel and accommodation expenses via Erasmus plus or the Study visits programme of Euraxess TOP IV Network call


For more information about the programme and registration process, see :