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Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)


Université catholique de Louvain – EURAXESS Services Centre


ExpertiseFor all practical information in matters such as accommodation, day care, schooling and family related issues, entry conditions/visas, work permits, social security, taxation/salaries, pension rights, health care, insurances, recognition of diplomas, language training, intellectual property rights, …





  • UCL - Louvain-la-Neuve
    Place de l’Université 1
    B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
  • UCL - Bruxelles Woluwe
    Promenade de l'Alma, 31 bte B1.41.03
    B-1200 Bruxelles
  • UCL - UCL Mons
    Chaussée de Binche, 151
    B-7000 Mons
  • UCL – Tournai
    Chaussée de Tournai, 7
    B-7520 Tournai
  • UCL - Bruxelles Saint-Gilles
    Rue Henri Wafelaerts, 47-51
    B-1060 Bruxelles
  • UCL – Charleroi
    Boulevard E. Devreux,6
    B-6000 Charleroi




Additional information


UCL is one of the oldest complete universities in Europe. Since its foundation in 1425, "openness to the world" has been at the core of UCL's teaching and research missions. It is through being part of an international network and the high quality of its numerous publications that a great, modern university can show its excellence in the field of research. UCL holds a top position in numerous framework programs of the European Union. On a more local level, the institution participates very actively in research programs of the Belgian authorities and supports the development of the regions in which it is based or active. UCL is also a multicultural, multifunctional academic institute teaching a full range of subjects.

UCL has been awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” : researchers staying at UCL have ample opportunities to build new contacts, get involved in scientific networks, and become acquainted to “European” working conditions. UCL also provides the researchers with a wide range of training activities to contribute to their career development. This includes language courses, management of research projects, communication skills, scientific writing skills, intellectual property rights, etc. UCL also assists researchers in publishing their results, in registration of patents and copyrights, and in protection of intellectual properties.

UCL is a large, international community:

  • 30 000 étudiants students of 127 different nationalities<
  • A 5 836-member teaching, research, administrative and technical staff
  • 150 000 Alumni world wide

UCL proposes courses in all possible disciplines:

  • 14 faculties
  • 42 bachelor’s programmes
  • 214 master’s programmes
  • 200 life learning programmes

Research, performed in close collaboration with the private and public sector and international institutions, is one of UCL’s main activities:

  • 3 025 researchers
  • 2 033 PhD students, half of which are foreign visitors
  • 2 500 research projects
  • 1 Noble Prize for Medecine
  • 21 Prix Francqui winners
  • 26 ERC grants
  • 58 H2020 projects
  • 40 research or partnership chairs underway
  • 4 incubators
  • 3 Science parks


UCL presentation folder

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